H-1135 Budapest, Szabolcs utca 33.

Tel.: (1) 8869-300, General information: 1812

E-mail: info@egeszsegvonal.gov.hu

Mail: 1372 P.O. Box: 450.


Mellékhatás bejelentő
NOR keresőfelület Minőségi kifogás
magisztrális gyógyszerek

Narcotic Department

The main tasks of the Narcotic Department are to perform licensing and registration procedures related to controlled substances (narcotic and psychotropic and new psychoactive substances) and to keep related records, as well as to authenticate medical certificates for travellers who travel from Hungary to abroad with preparation(s) containing controlled substance(s).

Information for those travelling with medicine: https://ogyei.gov.hu/travelling_with_medicine

Head of Department: Orosz-Kovács Orsolya

E-mail: narcotic@nngyk.gov.hu

Tel.: +36-1- 8869-303

Last updated: 2024.02.06 16:40