Advertisement control
As medicine is a special product according to its definition all information concerning medicines – prospectus of a medicine for health professionals, or advertisement for non-professionals - requires special attention and needs to be controlled to a grater extent in comparison with other advertisements. In compliance with the special law concerning advertisment of medicinal products the National Institute of Pharmacy protects the competence, regularity and validity of the information being reported on the medicines.
What is considered to be an advertisment of a medicine? (Decree No. 11 of 6 March, 2007 of the Minister of Health)
- advertisments of medicines to the public (brochures, booklets in pharmacies, newspaper advertisements, commercials, websites)
- advertisements of medicines for health professionals – medical and pharmaceutical representatives
- handing over free medicine samples
- activities motivating the prescription or expediation of medicines (e.g. offering gift, benefit, reward)
- sponsorship of programmes, scientific congresses